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ISV Revamping Cloud Operations
Written By: shreya.ghosh


ISV Revamping Cloud Operations | Revamping Cloud to Boost ISV Strategic Growth

June 30, 2022 7-Minute read

Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) must go in for Revamping cloud operations and adopt a cloud-based methodology to develop modern products and services for digital savvy customers. 

The more popular a product is, the harder it is to meet demand and satisfy customers. Advanced products, like SaaS, face scaling challenges in today's digital environment. Demand growth is a good problem to have. 

Product management and platform engineering have new challenging tasks, which excites the modern, advanced engineering workforce. Product providers may not know what will spark interest in their products and services. How to meet peak product demand with a fast time to market while controlling development and feature costs is crucial.

Taking Software to the Cloud

cloud adoption

ISVs are taking advantage of the cloud more and more to solve problems with improving their products and features. They also hope to use the cloud's multi-tech features to stop problems before they start. The benefit of the adoption of this methodology is:

  • Reduce IT maintenance costs.
  • Technology developments speed product improvements.
  • Expanding of operations if product and feature demand surges. 

To get these benefits, ISVs need to plan a strategic overhaul of their operations and make sure they can move to the cloud successfully. This is where an ISV might run into problems, and this is where Sonata can help solve those problems in a good way.

For ISVs who were able to plan ahead, their applications are already running on virtual machines inside their network. This makes it easy to move to the cloud with a simple "lift and shift" method. The application is moved to run on the cloud, and small changes are made to make it more flexible and scalable. This saves time, resources, and money.

Revamping cloud operations using Sonata’s Platformation

Sonata's PlatformationTM approach makes this process easy, even if the app is old. The experts will use high-tech services to update the app and take advantage of the best multi-tech cloud capabilities in the industry to make sure the ISV can take full advantage of the cloud's scalability.

It’s a known fact that there is a uniqueness in the ISV product being offered, but for every legacy migration to be given the shape it needs, there is usage of the following process and steps by experts at Sonata: 

  • Application codebase analysis.
  • Understand client needs.
  • Segregate code based on which applications work well with cloud offerings and which need to be changed to improve product features.
  • Develop and configure single-sign-on allowing authorised users to access numerous apps and components quickly and securely.
  • Ensure cloud-based applications can divide workloads over numerous processors for faster delivery and scalable solutions.
  • Perform load testing to ensure the application can fulfil client demand.
  • Reduce costs of developing and operating customer-friendly applications with minimal effort and optimise resource use. 

The steps above are part of a unique process that is used to make sure that the cloud environment is used in the best way possible and that the system built can meet all of the customer's needs for the product and services offered by an ISV. 

Efforts are made to make sure that setting up the infrastructure costs as little as possible while letting the ISV make product updates faster.

The number of people using the cloud is growing very quickly, and ISVs and businesses are expected to spend a lot more on the cloud. 

Cloud Adoption

benefits of cloud technology


Adopting the cloud is seen more and more as a way to automate processes and get resources on demand, all with minimal computing cycles and storage, as well as more budget flexibility and the best way to spend money on CapEx and OpEx. 

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is the best way for industry-leading disruptive product and service providers to deliver products. It adapts to market shifts caused by enterprises that are also adopting cloud technologies because they know that embracing multi-tech cloud capabilities can be good for business.

There are many reasons why new ISVs want to use the well-established software distribution model. 

SaaS solutions from ISVs can help make more money and be worth more if ISVs choose to move their existing solutions to the cloud or build their own cloud-based applications that can meet the growing demand of digitally savvy customers.

Benefits of Using Cloud Technology

  • Lower operating costs
  • Better performance
  • Faster innovation

Cloud Technology helps you get new customers, make more money, and keep long-term clients because of your better performance.

Every ISV, no matter how big or small or how many products they offer, will want to use the cloud as part of the digital transformation process. ISVs have adopted the cloud very fast during COVID-19 crisis.

Many ISVs are using cloud transformation to address shifting customer needs and for revamping cloud operations. Sonata can assist ISVs analyze their cloud readiness, create an optimized cloud transformation strategy, and implement an effective cloud migration plan to provide them a competitive edge. 

ISVs recognise a cloud-first digital transformation approach must be long-term. Rewriting a company's key programs can be difficult and time-consuming. Sonata specialists develop defined goals and assign work to the correct individuals. 

Employing Agile Digital PODs

ISVs employ Agile Digital POD to design, develop, and create contemporary applications and solutions so that they can make industry-leading cloud-based software goods and solutions.

Consultants first determine how developing cloud-based applications or transitioning to the cloud would affect functional and non-functional components of the organisation. A well-planned assessment framework ensures a smooth process of revamping cloud operations. 

ISVs get help building and running cloud infrastructure. There are mature cloud managed service providers (MSPs) on the market who can make things easier immediately. An MSP may design, create, and manage sophisticated solutions that simplify operations and decrease expenses.

MSPs may provide ISVs customized solutions and seamless, scalable deployment using an integrated approach. 

Key solutions include a solid infrastructure, centrally managed services and applications, ISV-friendly SLAs, data protection and disaster recovery, a quick reaction time, managing cloud vendor relationships, and 24/7 support.


Sonata is able to adopt a planned strategy to assist ISVs in adopting cloud technologies to update their service offerings. It gains a competitive advantage through a seamless digital transition. 

Revamping cloud operations is a mandatory exercise to stay and survive in the market

There is a best-in-class way to create a customized, cost-effective, and strong business strategy. It helps ISVs gain a new perspective based on the needs of the moment and use a well-planned strategy to modernise mission-critical business applications using multi-tech cloud capability and accomplish strategic and tactical business goals.


isv modernization
Written By: anoop


5 potential vulnerabilities that ISV's could face in their modernization journey

September 19, 2019 7-Minute read

As enterprises move towards a SaaS-based subscription model for their software services, ISVs need to get on top of the game quicker than their peers to maintain that competitive edge.

The obvious way to tide over the legacy-related challenges for ISVs, is to modernize their existing offerings to be modern business applications that are built for future-readiness. However, without the right methodology and framework in place, this could backfire, derailing your growth plans.

We talk about what impediments ISVs could stumble into while embarking on modernization initiatives for their products:

1. No End goal definition:
ISVs choose to modernize their legacy products for different purposes. While for one, the reason might be a lack of scalability to support increasing workloads, some ISVs may choose the modernization route because most of their customers might not have a compatible digital ecosystem.

Modernization of products requires a clear alignment to the company goals and standardization and is more than just a quick fix solution. A common uniform approach for the entire portfolio of products for the ISV is the optimal method to take it forward. The end-goal definition is important for you to set tangible milestones and timelines within your set boundaries.

2. Lack of an articulated roadmap:
A project roadmap ensures that you're not only staying focused on your goals, but that you have the resources and tools available to help you reach them. With most end customers moving towards a SaaS model, ISVs need to develop modern business solutions to match their digital ecosystem. This cannot be achieved by a simple lift-and-shift to Cloud for modernization, but one that requires modernization of each layer in the digital stack like Cloud, infra, data, UX etc., something that can be done using the Platform methodology. The optimal way for modernization is chosen by your current legacy ecosystem, application portfolio, product complexity, time to market and your end customer.

3. Ignoring Customer experience: Ignoring the customer experience aspect of your modernization
With the customer-driven business that ISVs are now heavily involved in, ISVs need to center their modernization on the end users’ feedback. It always makes sense to incorporate these customer needs during the re-engineering/re-building or modernization phase rather than adding them as an afterthought once your product has met its intended objective. Also “don’t fix what’s not broken” may not actually be the motto to follow when it comes to customer experiences. A right balance between practicality and future-ready features is the way to go.

4. Choosing the right platforms to work with:
With multiple technologies available to work with, the right tools to use to modernize your products is a big decision. While you might have meticulously built your product on a platform, there could always be a better platform you could leverage for their features that could make your ISV product not just modern but also add value added features that could add features and components you never thought you needed. With the platform methodology arguably ruling the tech world, your product could modernize from a legacy product to a modern business platform with an exponential reach with the right platform.

5. Readiness for change
With the platform way to bringing in change widely recognized as the most influential, a change in your legacy applications’ architecture and how it fits with your application portfolio could be a boardroom topic, and one that requires decisiveness and consideration. Large ISVs with set processes and frameworks may find it especially difficult to let go off perfectly functioning components in the larger scheme of things, but with the changing customer demands and the potential to move to a much more beneficial business model, a collective leap of faith is needed from key stakeholders. A keen eye and ear to the benefits that platform engineering offers to legacy products and ISVs subsequently could be the push that dynamically alters how ISVs meet the challenges of the technologically-adept end user.

Sonata is a leading product engineering services provider to ISVs. Sonata’s Platform engineering methodology helps ISVs make the right choices to modernize into modern business platforms, i.e. modernization of not just your applications, but that of the data, Cloud, infra and architecture that constitutes the digital ecosystem. Our capabilities have won us accolades as one of the very few global Microsoft-recognized ISV Dev Centers, and also ranked in the leadership zone by Zinnov in their ER&D report.

To know more about our Platform Engineering services centered on Platformation™, the platform way to digital transformation, do contact us.