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challenges in mobile backend
Written By: Revathi R


How Platforms address modern day Challenges in Mobile backend development?

October 15, 2019 7-Minute read

While organizations work on their enterprise mobile strategies doing mobile application backend development, they encounter predominant challenges and complexities like below

1. In-house expertise gap for mobile application backend development

  • Different genre of expertise is required for MABD – front end & backend dev which is beyond just a web development or a traditional IT expertise
  • Having the right combo of below mobile expertise in-house for any organization is a challenge

Language and Frameworks – Ruby, PHP, Python, Java, .Net, Node.js, Ruby on Rails etc Web servers – J2EE, Apache, Nginx, IIS.
Database management systems – MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, etc Middleware - a software that works on the server which connects application’s frontend to its backend

2. Constant need for re-establishing API strategies

  • Companies need to evaluate their current APIs and determine whether they can fulfill the new requirements of the app. In some cases, these services may not be adequate, which means modifying existing APIs or creating new ones. In other cases, the services may not exist at all, which means APIs will need to be created from scratch.

Optimal Architecture

Having the right architecture for varied backend capabilities like below poses a challenge

  • data synchronization across platforms
  • data storage capabilities
  • ability to send alerts and notification messages
  • offering support to various HTTP methods
  • service integrations like push notifications, email notifications, and queuing services

How can these be addressed?

Organizations can either

  • Outsource it to the MAPD firms in entirety
  • Or, invest in mobile platforms which has the preliminary functions as ready-to-consume features, so the developers can focus majorly on web dev / front end development

In case of second option, we can see realizable benefits like,

  • the percentage of expertise required for features like enabling push notifications, backend integrations, app management, etc., will be taken care of by platforms which offer mobile backend as a service allowing the IT teams/ limited resources to more focus on front end development.
  • By providing a consistent way to manage backend data means that developers do not need to redevelop their own backend for each of the services that their apps need to access, potentially saving both time and money.
  • Another significant advantage of the platform is that of managing the changes. In the traditional way of API development, any changes to the APIs require an end to end testing and deployment of the back-end system. When we use the platforms, it is just pushing the delta changes thereby saving effort and time
  • The platform components are tested and proven for various business scenarios
  • Enterprise security in built in the platform

As a result, this reduces internal costs while also allowing internal team members to gain the knowledge needed for future initiatives.

Written By: Michael Ong


Why Your Organization Needs Platforms (PAAS)

September 26, 2019 7-Minute read

Many of today's most popular (SaaS) business systems today, whether on-premise or in the cloud, can usually be configured but almost never completely customized. There is a good reason for this, mainly standardizing processes and best practices.

But what if your organization has a unique need that may never be addressed by your SaaS business system? Something very niche but critical to your company. You need to enable line of business as well as IT to address these unique needs and they need to be able to address them in a secure, fast and reliable way.

This is where platforms come in. Whether it be for mobility or desktop, you need to be able to extend your existing business systems in a way that is tailor fit for your organization's unique needs.

Without the ability to rapidly build, integrate, secure, deploy, manage and analyze purpose built apps that are extensions of your existing SaaS systems organizations will quickly become out innovated by the competition.

Investments in platforms are investments in innovation. They reduce the time, cost and complexity of delivering game changing solutions to Enterprise Organizations customers, employees, vendors and partners.

I don't think it is even a question whether Enterprise Organizations should be investing in innovation as a top priority.


Unified. Avoid many separate silos of tool sets. A unified approach means having all the tools you need in a single platform such as APIs, User Management, Role Management, Security Controls, Authentications, App Management, SDKs, Analytics, Logs, Testing Center, Cache Controls, Database (If needed outside of your SaaS product), Notifications & Workflows Engine, Deployment Mechanisms, SSO Support and Prototyping Tools to name a few.

All of these unified tool sets making up the platform need to be fast and easy to use. Any line of business should be able to make the proper configurations on the platform without having to write a single line of code.

Take the Halosys Unified Enterprise Mobility Platform for example. As Sonata Software's flagship mobility platform, the Halosys Platform delivers a complete toolset and acts as a enabler to extend your existing SaaS Systems or other Platforms (IoT for example) to rich and engaging mobile & web experiences.

mobile app
Written By: Michael Ong


The Enterprise Mobile App Use Case Guide

September 26, 2019 7-Minute read

You Know You Need An Enterprise Mobility Strategy But Don't Know Where To Start?

Here Are 35 Enterprise Mobile App Use Cases To Give You Some Inspiration
We've been in the Enterprise Mobility space for quite some time. With over 200 mobile apps under our belt and over 35,000 users on our Mobile First API & MBaaS (Mobile-Backend-as -a Service) Platform we have run into a lot of interesting use cases and we have seen some recurring themes. We have listed some of those common themes here which can be combined in many ways to make some pretty cool apps. Enjoy!

Utility, Hr & General Use Cases Collaboration
mColleagues is a good example of a collaboration application. They types of applications allow you to connect with and search for members of your organization or business group and message, chat, share documents with them.

Popular apps allow for one click dial in to conference calling and video calling systems so you do have to mess with access codes, dial in numbers and video chat links.

Employees can check their schedules and request time off. Another popular feature is notifications for schedule changes.

Managers can approve PO's, time off requests and any other type of approval. Other popular features include risk assessment and system access approvals.mApprovals is a good example of an approval app.

Allows employees to easily report expenses incurred while on the job. Popular features include mileage calculators, purchase approval requests and receipt scanning.

Asset management applications allow for you to keep track of company assets that employees take with them or share between themselves. Popular use cases include tracking and transfer of demo equipment and computing devices between employees.

Time tracking apps are a convenient way for remote and onsite employees to clock in & out, check break times and stay accountable.

Travel and planning apps allow for itinerary tracking, receipt scanning, location services and general travel planning for the employees on the go.

Meeting apps are great for locating and checking conference & meeting room availability, reserving meeting rooms, taking meeting notes and and requesting meetings.

Enterprise apps stores allow for one convenient place for your employees to download company apps. After all, most companies do not want their B2E apps in a public app store. Popular features include role based access to apps and the ability to add 3rd party apps to the Enterprise App Store (Evernote for example). Check our mAppStore for a good example of an enterprise app store.

Task & project apps allow employees to track and assign tasks and update project statuses. Apps like this are great combined with collaboration apps to incorporate messaging.

These apps allow employees anytime access to instructions and procedures in the case of emergencies such as a fire. These apps include actionable features such as check in to safe locations and panic buttons.

Feedback apps allow management and executives to collect ideas from employees, publish polls and get feedback to make better decisions about the company direction and culture.

Many companies have begun to deploy gaming and rewards applications to motivate and reward employees for health initiatives, productivity and more. Some companies implement features to allow employees to nominate one another for their behavior.

mEvents is a good example of an event app that can be used for internal company events like sales kickoffs, investor conferences, presidents club meetings, community service events and company outings among others.

HR self help apps are commonly used for employees to view details on benefits such as medical and vacation hours, access payroll information or even report incidents to HR.



Sales quote and orders applications allow salespeople to easily generate quotations and sales orders for their customers wherever they are. Real time inventory integration is a must have for these types of apps. The great thing about these applications is that they can easily be turned around and given to your customers with only a few slight modifications. mOrders is a great example of this.

mOrders is a great example of this as well. These types of applications allow you to provide catalog style functionality with product images, details, pricing and more.

A must have for any sales organization, CRM applications provide customer and lead information at the fingertips of your sales people so they always have access to the latest information on their customers and prospects.

Sales intelligence apps are where your sales people access the latest information on your companies offerings, competitors and must have knowledge. Knowledge is power and sales intelligence apps empower sales people to be prepared and the best they can be.

Presentations apps allow your sales and marketing people access to presentation materials like Powerpoint slides, videos, product demos, virtual tours and anything else they would want to show to a client to add a "wow" factor.

The one stop shop for sales and marketing people to access white papers, sales sheets, data sheets, product videos and any other sales and marketing collateral. A must have feature is to allow your sales and marketing folks to share any specific piece of collateral to prospects and customers right from the app.

They ability to show marketing material, schedule product demos, capture leads and enter sales orders from trade shows and events all from one single application is a very powerful thing for your sales and marketing people. That's exactly what these types of applications allow.

Just like at events and trade shows, your sales people should be able to capture a lead from anywhere. Leads capture apps make it easy to capture leads and push them directly into your CRM. Popular features include business card scanning and recognition and CRM integration.


Scheduling, viewing, updating and tracking client appointments is critical for any field service employee. The time to ditch the paper has passed long ago.

Routing and location apps commonly have features like driving directions, mileage tracking, and tracking of employee locations. One really cool feature I have seen allows the app to automatically send a notification, SMS or message to the customer when the employee is in-route to their location.

Entering, updating and status tracking of work orders is a critical part of most field service employees job. Signature capture for customers to sign off on work orders is a popular feature for these types of applications.

Time tracking applications allow employees to track time traveling and on-site with customers with a tap of the button. These applications can integrate with HR and Accounting systems for employee payroll and customer billing.

If your company has assets in the field then you likely have employees to need to keep those assets updated and in good working order. Asset tracking and maintenance apps allow your employees to access asset information, put in work orders and track asset movements and locations.

Parts & Supplies apps allow field service personnel to access parts and supplies inventory and put in orders for repair jobs and work orders.

Documents & credentials apps allow field service employees to easily access important documents such as repair guides and also provide an easy way to manage and access their credentials when working on secure sites that require licensure or special clearance and identification.


Warehouse personnel are always on the move and seldom at a desk. Inventory management apps help them to check stock levels, perform counts, enter in new inventory and make adjustments. The most popular features are barcode scanning and ERP integration.

Facilities staff can use facilities management apps to schedule maintenance and work orders, view repair jobs and check in inspection items from anywhere around the facilities which they maintain.

Reverse logistics applications allow for anywhere access to returns and repair processing. These applications often include barcode scanning and RMA processing.

Apps for internal security personnel include features such as incident reporting, panic buttons, shift logs and patrol routing.


While this list only scratches the surface of the use cases available for Enterprise Mobile Apps, I hope it gets you thinking about the possibilities for your organization. There is no such thing as a one size fits all solution and most apps will take bits and pieces from many of these use cases and combine them to come up with stellar applications for their organization.

Coming up with the use cases is also just part of planning your Enterprise Mobility Strategy. Other considerations such as Security, Business System Integration, App Management, Device Management, User Management and many, many others need to addressed. Luckily their is platform to help you address all of these things as well as the help you to rapidly develop your mobile apps. Go here for more information on the HaloMEM Platform and to learn how Halosyscan help you with your end to end enterprise mobility needs.

Written By: Sonata Software


Introducing Halomem For Netsuite

September 26, 2019 7-Minute read

The First Mobile & Web Api & Baas Platform For Netsuite


HaloMEM for NetSuite is a mobile & web API platform that allows you to rapidly integrate, build, deploy and manage mobile & web applications that are integrated with NetSuite and almost any other datasource. With the pre-built NetSuite connector, two way NetSuite integration is a simple 2 minute configuration process.

The HaloMEM platform supports both standard and custom NetSuite fields, records and searches. This allows you to leverage the flexibility you love so much about NetSuite and extend it beyond the NetSuite user interface.

Mobility is at the core of the platform allowing you to extend your data beyond the desktop and easily put custom mobile solutions in the hands of your workforce, customers, partners and vendors. The platform supports Native iOS & Android as well as hybrid and HTML5 mobile applications.

HaloMEM's rich tool set gives you everything you need to connect, build, secure, deploy & manage your applications. You can leverage our presentation layer API & SDK import your Mobile or Web project the IDE of your choice to build your UI. Our presentation layer API & SDK supports native iOS, Android as well as javascript for hybrid mobile apps as well as web apps.

For HTML5 apps we provide a no coding visual design studio so you can rapidly design & build your apps user interface in a matter of minutes or hours.


Business Continuity -
Off the shelf 3rd party apps may not meet your business process needs. Take control of the roadmap for your apps and data to suit your business users needs in compliance with your corporate policies.

Empower LOB (Line of Business)
to build mobile web apps in hours or let app developers build rich native app experience without needing any security, DBA or server software specialists,build complex native applications in a matter of weeks using our Mobile First API’s.

Low TCO -
Our cloud enabled platform doesn't require any upfront OPEX/CAPEX to get started in addition to all the OPEX savings due to accelerated app development.

No Vendor Lock-in -
We provide the tools to simplify your app journey. Our open architecture based approach also enables Bring-Your-Own-Tools (BYOT) thereby ensuring no vendor lock-in for almost any of the tools of your choice.

Visibility -
Slice & dice data across any combinations such as Device, App, User and API’s to gauge engagement and assess ROI on your mobile & web app investments.



  • Pre-built connector for NetSuite and integrate with almost any other business system, database or data source in minutes.
  • Connect to the notification providers of your choice for push, email and SMS messaging.
  • Connect to SAML and LDAP providers for authentication and SSO


  • Click & drag mapping of your data source objects & fields to your application
  • Data cache & sync
  • Notifications templates
  • Workflows & Rules
  • Roles & Users
  • Presentation layer API & SDK for Native iOS & Android & Javascript for Hybrid Mobile Apps & Web Apps
  • No Code UI Builder Studio for HTML5 Apps


  • Layered enterprise level security & encryption that complies with the most stringent security requirements.
  • Control: Access & Operation control using whitelisting, which is the best form of any security solution
  • Visibility: For compliance or security purposes


  • Private app deployment via email, SMS & download links
  • Publish to public app stores
  • Private, white label app store available
  • User management with add, reset & delete
  • App management to remote wipe app data
  • Device management
  • Reports & Analytics around users, APIs, devices, registrations, downloads & logins
  • Logs and testing center

With HaloMEM, the possibilities of what you can do are nearly endless. Use the power of the platform to bring the data from all of your business systems into a single view designed to fit your unique business needs.

Whether you need a web or mobile application we have you covered. Unleash the power of your data to optimize your business processes and empower your workforce, customers, vendor and partners.

For more information on HaloMEM contact Michael Ong at or call 1 (800) 531-42567 ext 224

Written By: Avinash Harsh


The 7S Framework For Enterprise BAAS (Backend-As-A- Service)

September 26, 2019 7-Minute read

As Mobility becomes an integral part of the business & technology strategy, an mBaaS (Mobile Backend-as-a-Service) or some form of BaaS is a 'Must-Have' requirement to ramp up and manage an organization's mobile initiatives.

However, in the ever evolving (and consolidating) world of Enterprise Mobility, organizations need to look beyond business system connectivity, data storage and notifications that are essentially provided by almost all vendors with varied degrees of maturity.

The 7S Framework:

1. Seamless - Across channels:
The Backend software service should be Omni channel - Mobile, Web, Wearables and more. The era of 'Mobile only' systems is numbered - the backend system should be able to provide a way for companies to build seamless experience across ALL Digital Apps & properties.

2. Secure:
Security is of paramount importance to any Enterprise. Unlike consumer BaaS providers, an Enterprise BaaS platform must address security across Devices, Apps, Users and Data. The provider should support security standards like SAML & OAuth 2.0

3. Stable:
With the recent consolidations in the Enterprise Mobility industry, financial stability and the overall stability of the software vendor has become a significant factor while deciding on the mBaaS/ BaaS vendor.

4. Simple:
Primary function of a BaaS is to simplify. Configuring, Building, managing and monitoring of Apps. Simple intuitive self-serve user interface as well as simple pricing methodology for all App scenarios (ephemeral apps, high data usage apps etc.) are key factors that one should look for in a Backend Service provider.

5. Scalable:
With the proliferation of Apps across channels, usage of some apps could grow exponentially. The BaaS provider MUST have a scalable software architecture as well as infrastructure readiness to provide scale as the company launches more initiatives.

6. Support:
Choosing a BaaS/mBaaS means building a long term relationship with the platform provider. While a good software should be self serving and intuitive to use, SLA backed support and infrastructure provides a peace of mind to the organization.

7. Services:
Artificial Intelligence, Bots, Augmented & Virtual Reality, Big Data, Beacons and new Payment Systems are soon going to reshape the Enterprise App landscape. To maximize the investments made in a BaaS software, the provider should have full scale Professional Services, either on it's own or through a growing ecosystem of Service providers.

mobility program
Written By: Michael Abishai Ambrose


Looking For An Integrated Enterprise Mobility Partner? Depth Makes A Difference....

September 26, 2019 7-Minute read

What is an 'Integrated Mobility Partner'?

An integrated mobility partner is a partner in your organizations enterprise mobility journey who provides more than just an enterprise mobility service like mobile app development or product like MDM or MAM. Integrated mobility partners not only provide all of the typical tools & services needed for enterprise mobility, they also have a strong understanding of your organization and industry and act as an embedded extension of your team. They help you to innovate and expand through consulting, innovation labs and thought leadership. They help you win. Why Sonata as your Integrated Enterprise Mobility Partner? Sonata is a digital transformation partner for enterprises and understands that mobility plays a key role for such digital transformations. Today mobility means secure, anytime access to relevant information, convenience, productivity and collaboration all served up on the go, across a variety of devices and screen sizes and all seamlessly integrated with your existing IT infrastructure. To achieve this Sonata's mobility competency has been oriented towards a unified and embedded approach. Sonata as an organization is ambitious, strategic and focuses on bleeding edge innovation within mobility.

We take end to end ownership of mobile initiatives by:

Mobile Strategy & Innovation : User centric strategy for mobile roadmaps built with our rich cross industry experience with global brands

Technology Platforms : By leveraging our unified platform approach to accelerate your mobile app rollout & management across the enterprise

Mobility services : To design engaging experiences, deliver slick mobile apps & manage the complete application lifecycle

Prebuilt solutions : To mobilize high touch processes for quick business benefits while boosting productivity

At sonata we believe in:

  • Partnering with enterprises on their Mobile-first journey
  • Providing cutting edge tools for seamless scaling
  • Business solutions for shorter time-to-benefits
  • Delivery maturity for reliable & faster rollouts

Considering our deep knowledge and expertise on mobility and various clientele across verticals and the globe, we believe that Sonata serves you best as an integrated mobility partner. Sonata understands mobility as a behavior and lifestyle. Our strategy for mobile, built on our understanding of mobility, can take root.

To learn more about Sonata as an Integrated Mobility Partner visit: or contact Michael Ong at

mobility program
Written By: Avinash Harsh


6 Must Haves For A Successful Enterprise Mobility Program

September 26, 2019 7-Minute read

Mobility is seen as an important medium for some key macro-trends of our time, such as big data and cloud, to deliver maximum business value. Businesses have started to understand the value that mobility can deliver, especially when it comes to customer responsiveness and employee productivity.

During our recent Webinar on How Next-Gen Platforms are helping conquer large Mobility Programs, Chris Marsh of 451 Research shared, based on a study, that about 60% of companies are increasing mobility budgets, a third significantly. A quarter of firms are increasing their dedicated mobile headcounts by over 50%.

But at the same time, adoption has been negatively impacted by a number of challenges mostly resulting from a lack to vision, security concerns, budget constraints or lack of skills. An interesting aspect of this was raised by Ravi Naik, SVP Technology at Katerra Inc. and a former CIO of SanDisk. According to him, getting on the mobility bandwagon at the behest of the IT team is not a good idea because IT typically looks for point solutions to point issues, which may not necessarily be aligned to business. Eventually, it fizzles out because business doesn’t see any value in the mobility solutions.

But mobility can be a real productivity game changer when it is aligned with business objectives. An integrated mobility solution with apps at the front end and a reusable development and deployment platform in the background is a sustainable and effective approach to mobility; rather than building a series of point solutions, according to Ravi.

In my own experience of over 15 years in building and deploying mobility solutions, I’ve found that there are some distinct patterns that one can observe in almost all successful mobility deployments. These are:

1. Understanding of the Goal:

From a mobility perspective, businesses tend to fall into four major stages - Mobile first (where mobile is the primary channel of engagement); Mobile Driven (where mobility brings huge business benefits); Mobile enabled (end to end business processes mapped on mobile); Mobile ready (enables devices to access enterprise applications). It is important to understand and clearly define the stage that you want to achieve through your mobility strategy before jumping into it.

2. Building User-Centric Applications:

Making efforts to understand the user and taking a user first approach is key. For instance, building apps that mimic the flow of the user’s day can help drive better adoption. Using tools to get feedback that can improve the next version is another aspect of this.

3. Preparing for constant change:

Unlike Enterprise applications, feedback on mobile applications is immediate, and changes and enhancements are expected in days/weeks, not months! Your development and deployment timelines need to recognize and incorporate these tight cycles.

4. Getting a 360-degree view:

A single view of devices, apps, users and data can not only ensure enhanced security and better monitoring; but it can also significantly improve user experiences

5. Keeping options open:

In general, mobile deployments that let end users keep their options open, whether in terms of technology, vendor or customization are most likely to emerge victorious.

6. Taking a broader view of ROI:

Companies tend to measure ROI only in terms of money spent; but this a very narrow view that doesn’t present an accurate picture. Instead, it makes sense to look not just at cost, but also time spent and most importantly, the peace of mind!

Mobility is here to stay, but the right approach can mean the difference between success and failure. Here’s the link to our Webinar on ‘How Next-Gen Platforms are helping conquer large Mobility Programs.’ Do take a listen! And feel free to write in at [] if you have any queries.

We also have a report by 451 Research on Halosys and how it is poised to help Sonata Software break new ground in the enterprise mobility space. Click here to download.

About the Author

Avinash Harsh has 15+ years of experience in Enterprise Software & Mobility.He was the co-founder & CEO of Halosys, An Enterprise Mobile Enablement Platform, that was acquired by Sonata Software in 2015. Currently, Avinash is the Head of Mobile Platform & Solutions at Sonata Software, where he leads a team focused on providing Mobility driven Digital Transformation solutions to customers.

Written By: Michael Abishai Ambrose


How To Move To An Enterprise Mobile Platform

September 26, 2019 7-Minute read

Over the past few years, connected mobile devices have become all pervasive. Cisco predicts that by 2020, there will be 11.6 billion mobile-connected devices. This explosion in mobile devices creates a great opportunity for organizations to use mobility to their advantage. The rise of IoT could make things even more interesting. Most Organizations today understand the importance of mobility and its potential impact on business. In fact, some companies are facing an existential threats from competitors who are digital natives, bringing in a sense of urgency. However, there is often some hesitation to dive into a full-fledged mobile first approach. The concerns are usually around existing legacy investments and data security. A piecemeal approach of investing in a few apps to test the waters often delivers very limited results, which don’t reflect the true potential of mobility. To truly flourish in the connected economy, a robust and scalable enterprise mobility solution that allows for seamless integration and dissemination of data is absolutely vital.

Mobile Enabled Platform for Greater Efficiency and Productivity

One of our Clients, a world leading tire manufacturer with operations across 6 continent sand multiple international brands in its portfolio, decided to implement an enterprise mobile strategy. The Client was dealing with a legacy .NET middle ware that was expensive and not scalable for higher concurrent loads. Also, integration of multiple backend systems was complex, making it a challenge to pull out required data for mobile apps.

The Client decided to engage with us and deploy Sonata’s Halosys platform. Halosys provide da Mobile First approach through seamless connectivity,configurable policies and layered security, while leveraging the existing infrastructure.

We designed 3 apps based on the ‘day in the life of a dealer,’ such that every function was mapped. This helped make the apps intuitive and very useful.

We were not only able to successfully transition from legacy device-based field operations to the latest mobile based applications; but the transition ensured savings to the tune of half a million Euros for the Client by eliminating the cost of owning and maintaining the legacy systems.

The benefits were apparent immediately. The mobile application helped to increase accuracy of data, and a range of customized reports helped the Client better analyze performance. These reports also helped the Client showcase improved performance with respect to competition.Transition from cumbersome book-keeping to a user-friendly mobile application helped the Client improve productivity and reduced error as a result of less paperwork. Also, very importantly, Halosys not only enables the Client to build apps, but it has made it easy to deploy and manage apps.

You can find the full case study here

If you’d like to discuss how you can put together a winning Enterprise Mobility strategy that helps meet your business goals, write in to us at [] to schedule a call.

mobility digital
Written By: Chankey Agrawal


How Mobility Platforms Are Crucial For Digital Transformation For Enterprises

September 26, 2019 7-Minute read

As billions across the globe continue to embrace the use of mobile devices, enterprises see the opportunity to accrue many benefits of enterprise mobility. Cost savings and security risk mitigation are the biggest drivers of mobile device deployment as per IDC research. Yet, enterprise mobility poses number of challenges. 48% of enterprises do not see any improvement in their cost savings and 30% cite security problems with mobile app deployments.

Security is undoubtedly a huge priority, but building and maintenance of multiple mobile apps can also be a huge strain for enterprises. Some of the primary challenges are:

  • High cost of building an app for each process
  • Managing capex and financing can be a big challenge
  • Logistically, the integration of multiple back-end systems to pull out data and push it to one app can be a nightmare
  • Effective management of various apps and setting appropriate access controls is also crucial

Unified Mobility Platform Can Prove Valuable

When one of our clients, one of the top 25 multi-family general contractors in the United States, was looking to trim unnecessary time and costs, they tried to achieve it through the following:

  • Bringing a systems approach and through optimum use of mobile technology
  • Increase efficiency by mobilizing multiple field and sales business processes through specific apps for functions such as sales estimation and Quality Assurance.
  • Improvement in basic productivity through a stable device and apps foundation.

Mobility Platform is the Key for Enterprises

In response, we introduced Halosys, our Unified Mobile Enterprise platform, and put in place a dedicated and scalable mobile application team. This allowed us to create an ‘App Factory’ framework to quickly deploy custom apps to effectively meet its mobility challenges. Each app was developed in an average time frame of just five weeks.. Mobile apps were built for mobilizing various processes as per the need.

For instance, the client had an existing estimator tool (Excel workbook) that needed to be ‘mobilized’ such that details on materials, material cost, labor cost and total estimate for each apartment unit could be captured on mobile. We developed an iPad native Mobilizing Sales Estimator Tool application for sales users to develop project estimates as per user location; and to compile details such as materials and labor costs, with margins and tax, and provide them as an invoice to the customer. Moreover, a web application was developed for Admin to manage the data using Halosys platform. There were several such apps deployed.

Benefits Obtained

The benefits were evident immediately. The solution enabled field workers to complete the sales estimation process in less than 30 seconds from their mobiles. Errors were reduced due to paperless work, turnaround time and response for material management became quick. The QA process became easier. Availability of offline modes made it easier for field workers to push data to the back-end system in real time without worrying about connectivity.

To know more visit us @ or you could even write in to us at [].

As our world becomes more connected than ever before, organizations can benefit greatly from a robust and scalable enterprise mobility solution that allows for seamless integration and dissemination of data.

mobile dynamics platform
Written By: Chankey Agrawal


Adding Mobile Capability To Your Dynamics Platform

September 26, 2019 7-Minute read

The success of any enterprise systems such as Dynamics AX is highly dependent on how well it is adopted and used within the organization.

Factors such as a remote/mobile employee base, lack of reliable Internet/web connectivity on the field etc. can limit efficiency, adaptability and usefulness of the current system – which primarily would be providing optimal user experience in traditional end points.

In the changed scenario of mobiles being part of everyone’s life – both personal and professional, the adoption and usage depends on how well the systems make themselves available on mobile.

Mobiles, also with increasing smartness, will have scope of enhancing the user experience which normally is not available on desktops.

Making these systems available on mobile should be non-intrusive, seamless and should avoid creating duplicates of the workflow.

For example, one of our clients, a leading container manufacturer was trying to streamline the process for purchase orders, expense report submission and generation, purchase requisitions and service operations etc., by allowing employees to be able to complete these processes even when on the move. Also our client wanted to provide superior UX with all the smartness the device brings.

In situations such as these, adding an effective mobile solution to the Dynamics AX platform can create a huge impact and transform the business. Not surprising then that enterprises are building multiple apps that completely fit in with their processes and offer scalability and robustness to support the workloads of growing digital business. These enable them to make the most of their Enterprise business systems.

Here, we extended the Dynamics functionality and deployed mobile apps catering to the various needs, thereby enabling improved operational efficiency and empowering employees. Most importantly, the company was able to reap the benefits of leveraging AX ERP Systems for Mobile Operations.

Prominent Functional Areas going Mobile

In our work with clients, we have found that the following technology solutions prove most valuable to our customers to add value to their Microsoft Dynamics implementation:

  • Microsoft PowerApps - Quickly enable your simple business processes on mobile
  • Microsoft Xamarin - Develop apps for multiple platforms like Android, IOS & Windows
  • Universal Windows Platform (UWP) - Develop universal apps that run on any Windows Devices- Laptops, Desktops, Mobiles and Tablets
  • Sonata’s Custom Mobile Platform, (fully integrated with Dynamics) - Develop, deploy and manage multiple apps on single infrastructure connecting to many systems including Dynamics