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A Lookback On 2017 - Halosys Upgrades


A Lookback On 2017 - Halosys Upgrades

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Looking back at 2017, it has been an eventful year for Halosys product engineering. Halosys, as a platform, now has a richer list of features on optimization and usability.

Here’s brief bird eye view of the list of new and enhanced features: -

  1. Support for Bulk CURD operations -
    Support for CURD operations on bulk data for databases like Postgres, HANA, MySQL via CSV files and JSON helps increase performance by miles wherever bulk data is involved.
  2. Support for calling service function from service -
    This helps users to write complex custom logic while orchestrating the workflow between various services on Halosys.
  3. Support for distributed cache Redis -
    Halosys supports distributed caching using Redis, this allows the platform to scale horizontally seamlessly.
  4. Data source usage Logging and Analytics -
    All the third-party API access details are logged for the auditing purpose makingdebugging third-party connectors very easy.
  5. OAuth/SAML Authentication available for admin console -
    Logging into Halosys admin console using third-party authentication providersvia OAuth or SAML protocol is now possible.
  6. Available Microsoft Appsource -
    Halosys app got listed on Microsoft Appsource for new prospects to try out Halosys with a 15 days free trial account.
  7. Custom Authentication for Apps -
    Users of apps developed on Halosys platform can now be authenticated using any service provided by the client’s team. This make the integration of Halosys authentication faster with legacy apps. A Timesheet App for a leading global Marketing and Media Company uses multiple authentication provider services on Halosys platform.
  8. 8. Mongo DB connector -
    NoSQL DB connector for MongoDB support has been added.
  9. Microservice SDK -
    Microservices can be developed faster using inbuilt API’s. We have JAVA SDK’s which can be bundled with standaloneapps to access Halosys API in quick time. This extends the inbuilt services functionality a step further and removes constraints of having services on Halosys platform itself.
  10. mEvent App for Window -
    App for windows with Xamarin support is now available.

Keep watching this space for upcoming features like API gateway and a revamped AppBuilder in 2018. For more information please visit