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Enable Unified Operations & Omnichannel digital engagement
Resolve your distribution challenges through Sonata’s Modern Distribution platform
Learn how to achieve competitive efficiencies in the digital economy
Simplify your Upgrade with Dynamics 365 Code Migration tool
Improve your commodity business with our Commodity CTRM solution
Kartopia - An Ecommerce Platform Tailored to your needs
Mobile Strategy and Innovation for Business
Halosys provides a single Unified Enterprise Mobile Enablement platform
How an Australian Railway Hums Along on Sonata Software
Resolve your distribution challenges through Sonata’s Modern Distribution platform
CTRM - Integrated Digital Platform to manage the complex commodity procurement & supply chain needs
Halosys provides a single Unified Enterprise Mobile Enablement platform that enables businesses to build, secure, manage and deploy an enterprise-wide mobile applications portfolio
Brick & Click is the only integrated Digital Retailing Platform that provides digital ready unified operations capability and best in class digital engagement both instore and online
Modern Distribution is now a Premium Tier Biz Apps ISV Connect Application